Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars

Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars are made of flat copper mesh, which are supplied ready for use and thus simplify your installation.

Up to 0 mm²
Up to 1 0 mm
Standard length
0. 0 mm
Single wire diameter

Application area Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars

Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars are flexible connectors made of flat copper mesh and reliably absorb vibrations and switching surges.

The press-welded connections are (contrary to the generally available press technology) press-welded over the entire connection cross-section and can be processed like a solid end piece.

Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars are robustly insulated and are ideal for flexible use of space and are the best alternative to pre-assembled cables. Thanks to our different cross-sections, Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars can be adapted to a wide range of equipment and used as connectors between various control cabinet modules and units.

Certifications Ultraflexx®

SPS Standard Produkte Schwanenmühle GmbH is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.

UL 508

IEC 61439–1 


Ultraflexx® conductor material

  • Highly flexible flat mesh made of Cu-ETP1 with excellent
  • Conductivity and press-welded connections
  • Electrical conductivity 58 MS/m
  • Single wire diameter 0.15 mm
  • Cross-sections from 25 to 240 mm²
  • Length is defined as hole center distance
  • Lengths from 150 to 1000 mm, in 50 mm increments

Connections with press-welded connection ends

  • The connection ends can be machined like a solid end piece.
  • They are vibration-resistant and allow minimal contact resistance to pass through.
  • Lower power loss and smaller voltage drop.
  • No corrosion and therefore no deterioration of the connection resistances over time

Insulation Ultraflexx®

Ultraflexx® highly flexible busbars are robustly insulated to withstand high operating voltages:

  • Halogen-free polyolefin hose, black
  • Wall thickness 0.8 ±0.3 mm
  • Operating temperatures -55° C to +125° C
  • Flame retardant according to UL 224 – VW 1
  • Operating voltage max. 1000 VAC – 1500 VDC
  • Dielectric strength 20kV/mm

Individual wall thicknesses or colors on request!

SPS Ultraflexx

Assembly & processing Ultraflexx®

Technical details & current carrying capacity

Ultraflexx type designation:

ULFX [cross-section mm²] –
[LA = length of hole spacing] –
[D1 / D2 = hole diameter]

SPS Ultraflexx ULFX Typenbezeichnung

Lengths [LA] from 150-1000 mm in 50 mm increments. The length is defined as the hole center distance.

For Ultraflexx® current carrying capacity is determined according to the following table in accordance with IEC or UL standard.

Individual diameters D1/D2 at any time on request! 

Typenbez. / Type Querschnitt / Cross section [mm²] LA Länge / Length [mm] B Breite / Width [mm] (± 1) Dicke Innen : Anschluss / Thickness inside : connection [mm] A Anschlusslänge / Length connection [mm] D1/D2 Durchmesser / Diameter [mm] RA Abstand / Distance [mm] Gewicht / Weight [kg/m] Leitertemp. /Conductor temp.[A]* 65 °C Leitertemp./ Conductor temp. [A]* 85 °C Leitertemp./ Conductor temp. [A]* 105 °C
ULFX 25-LA-D1/D2 25,00 150-1000 20 ca. 1,5 : 1,4 35 8,5/10,5 9 0,25 159 210 250
ULFX 50-LA-D1/D2 50,00 150-1000 20 ca. 3,9 : 2,8 35 8,5/10,5 9 0,51 236 311 370
ULFX 100-LA-D1/D2 100,00 150-1000 20 ca. 8,0 : 5,9 35 10,5/10,5 9 1,02 350 462 550
ULFX 120-LA-D1/D2 120,00 150-1000 32 ca. 4,6 : 4,4 35 10,5/10,5 12 1,22 382 504 600
ULFX 240-LA-D1/D2 240,00 150-1000 32 ca. 9,1 : 8,9 35 10,5/10,5 12 2,44 688 908 1.080
Gewicht / Weight [kg/m]

*Current load values: Ambient temperature 35 °C, alternating current AC. Please use a multiplication factor of 1.72 when using 2 Ultraflexx® and a multiplication factor of 2.25 when using 3 Ultraflexx® in parallel.

SPS Ultraflexx
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Possible SPS configuration

SPS Stern

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